Rerrick Stick Making Supplies

Leg Cleek Aluminium


Out of stock

Postage 1: £0.01 – £69.99: £5.70

Postage 2: £70.00 – £149.99: £6.70

Postage 3: £150.00 – £199.99: £7.70

Postage 4: £200.00 – £299.99: £8.70

Postage 5: £300.00 – over: £10.70

Please enquire for orders out with UK Main Land

Aluminium Leg Cleek Handle These Are Highly Polished Quality Working Leg Cleeks. Drilled to Fit on Top of a Suitable Shank ( Inside Diameter 21mm ). These Can be Glued And pinned Into Position. These Are favoured by farmers,Shepherds And Stockmen.