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Please enquire for orders out with UK Main Land
Postage 1: £0.01 – £69.99: £5.70
Postage 2: £70.00 – £149.99: £6.70
Postage 3: £150.00 – £199.99: £7.70
Postage 4: £200.00 – £299.99: £8.70
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Please enquire for orders out with UK Main Land
Buffalo Horn Pony Foot Handle. Finished To A Very High Standard And Require Little Sanding And Polishing Only, Before Fitting To A Suitable Shank Or Left In Its Smooth Satin Finish. Buffalo Horn Is A Natural Material Any Marking On The Horn Is Organic And Part Of The Natural Character Of Horn. Ideal For Walking Sticks Or Riding Crops
Made from domesticated Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)