Rerrick Stick Making Supplies

5 Walking Stick Ferrules Brass Ultra 20.5 – 25mm Outer Top Diameter


Postage 1: £0.01 – £69.99: £5.70

Postage 2: £70.00 – £149.99: £6.70

Postage 3: £150.00 – £199.99: £7.70

Postage 4: £200.00 – £299.99: £8.70

Postage 5: £300.00 – over: £10.70

Please enquire for orders out with UK Main Land

5 Brass Ultra Ferrules ( Hard Wearing ) 20.5mm – 25mm Outer Top Diameter. These ferrules Are made From One Piece of Solid Brass. No Welds or Seams Just a OnePiece Production. Below The Line at The base is 4mm of Hard Wearing Solid Brass.